J a d A l r i y a b i
Leader Coder Entrepreneur Writer Scrum Master
Founder of Family Business
Envisoning Bringing AI and spreading education to impoverished communities
SFU Computer Science Graduate with a concentration in AI
Finished Degree within three years. 16 month Technical internship at Absolute Security. 4 month Project Manager internship at Simon Fraser University.
Alriyabi Trading
Launched a Food Trading buisness the deals with B2B organic middle eastern products. Chocolate covered dates coming soon...
Passionate Reader and Writer
Ever since I was kid I loved writing, and I dont plan to stop
Certified Scrum master leading teams at Absolute Secuirty using agile methodolgoies
B.Sc. Computing Science concentrating in AI & Minor in Business Administration - Cooperative Education
Product Launch
Sales director at a family run business. Launching your favoriate Chocolate covered dates soon
First SaaS App
Launched AI Flashcards app
Absolute Security
Starting as a Software Developer in Test in the company
Built a chatbot to help Developers land 6-figure jobs
Tech Internship
Started 8 month internship as a Scurm Master at Absolute Security
Web App
Developed Web app for SFU to use at case competition
First Internship
4 months as a Project Manager Intern at Simon Fraser University
First Start-up
Launched Alriyabi Trading, our family buisness in vancouver